is no end to this paranoid lunacy

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The upshot is that it now technologically possible to make guns that can be fired only by their owner. This is accomplished through either fingerprint recognition, grip recognition, or wearing a special watch that synchs with cheap Canada Goose the buy canada goose jacket gun and arms it. Here a picture of a smart uk canada goose outlet gun:A man holds Canada Goose online a prototype of a smart gun by Armatix during the International Guns canada goose clearance Exhibition in Canada Goose Coats On Sale Nuremberg in 2009. The smart gun is the canada goose black friday sale first of its kind with canada goose store a fingerprint recognition canada goose uk black friday security system controlled by the security watch. (Reuters)You think that would be a great thing. The gun could now be fired only by the owner, eliminating a lot of the unnecessary Canada Goose Outlet and tragic gun deaths that occur when, say, a kid gets hold of a loaded weapon, or someone else steals a gun to commit a canada goose outlet crime.But not to the right wing gun lobby. Gubbmint to stop ALL the guns from firing, eliminating our God given right to canada goose clearance sale have a lethal weapon. And so we have the weird situation in which the gun lobby not only opposes new kinds of guns, but also threatens those gun dealers who sell them. From the CBC piece, we get this:One needs surf no further than the esteemed Forbes website to find this: guns may be susceptible to government tracking or jamming. How hard would it be for the government to require manufacturers to surreptitiously include in computer enhanced weapons some circuitry that would canada goose coats allow law enforcement to track or even to disable the weapons?Gun websites, which tend to take a more dire view than Forbes, are, well, up in arms.According to Shotgun News: are people who won stop until we are disarmed. [Smart guns] are a danger to our rights, no more, no less. is no end to this paranoid lunacy.Take the case of Andy Raymond, who owns a gun Canada Goose Jackets shop called Armaments in Maryland, where there is strict registration of guns, a mandatory training course, and a waiting period before you can pick up a gun you bought. To Canada Goose Online me, Raymondseems rather extremist about guns, but he did want to sell smart guns in his shop:So any new canada goose uk outlet gun, to Raymond, is a good gun. Anything that can persuade cautious people to learn how to shoot is a good, American pro gun, he told me at his shop this week, slapping together Canada Goose Parka and dismantling weapons on the counter as he spoke. believe in the freedom to own a gun. Any gun. To me, you don have freedom unless you have freedom of choice. It like speech, or religion. what happened? He and others were threatened for that!The more militant wing of the gun rights movement, though, has a different view. And when word got out that Raymond was going to offer the Armatix [see photo above] for sale, Engage Armament phone began to ring.There were threats. Raymond, a massive, heavily muscled man, took some of the canada goose more menacing ones as death threats.He quickly capitulated, and repudiated his plan to sell the Armatix.He began sleeping in his store, frightened by an anonymous threat to burn it down.In an attempt to appease his antagonists, he posted a video on his Facebook page justifying his decision, then apologizing, then suggesting in a fit of temper that the death threats should be leveled at anti gun politicians, not him. The video has since been taken down.Another merchant, the Oak Tree Gun Club canadian goose jacket in California, hastily renounced the Armatix a few weeks ago as well after a similarly ferocious reaction.To use Randall McMurphy term, thesepeople are bull goose loonies.As the Shotgun News website put it: the last anti gunner gives up and goes to work on transgender rights any retailers foolish enough to stock one should plan for bankruptcy. the clever comparison of gun control to emasculation.Yes, very clever, and very scary.Great. So now in addition to auto manufacturers lying about technological problems so they don Canada Goose sale have to recall their cars, we going to get gun manufacturers lying about technological problems so they don have to issue recalls either. [/snark]Were I the sort of person to want to own a gun, I would not trust this technology. At least not cheap canada goose uk yet; I basically let buy canada goose jacket cheap the consumer population be my testing group for a few years before I accept that it works as advertised. Of course, I have no problem with vendors selling such guns. Quite the opposite I would want more of them sold and used (at ranges) so that any flaws in the technology had a greater chance of being discovered and fixed canada goose factory sale before I bought one myself.As for sekret government signals uk canada goose turning off your gun, there a police standoff with some armed robber practically every year.Seems to me that such a thing would come to light pretty damn quick. And I canada goose uk shop have no doubt that this supreme court would rule such technology unconstitutional if it did come to light.Actually, canada goose coats on sale I’m not sure you would want one of these guns maybe depending on your reasons for wanting any gun in the first place.Among the technologies mentioned, I’d be very wary about trusting fingerprint recognition. The problem is that this technology is not universally reliable.

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